Musical Instruments Technicians
This might be an interesting topic because you might not get much on the internet about music instrument technicians. Now what exactly is a music instruments technician? These are basically the trained workers having special skill attained and relevant qualification. Like every other field have technicians for the relevant equipment, musical equipments also have technicians available. These technicians can repair and maintain our costly musical instruments.

Music industry is a billions of dollars industry and still expanding. There are a variety of musical instruments available and the need of technicians is increasing day by day. Different instruments have different technicians. Some technicians are specific for specific instruments like Electric Guitars, Violins, Pianos etc. whereas some technicians cover a class of instruments like wood, Brass etc.
An important thing to consider is that why do we require musical instrument technicians and do we really require them. Answer is Yes. We pay heavy price for these musical instruments and therefore we need to take care of these instruments. Some of the instruments are too costly that include electric guitars, Pianos etc and cost thousands of dollars. Especially those people who are playing musical instruments as a profession, they need their musical instruments up-to-date all the time. They not only require musical instrument technicians for repair but also for periodic checking and maintenance. Periodic check of musical instruments is very important as it keeps such costly equipments in proper working condition. Some musical instruments do not require very technical repair and the musicians who have been playing these instruments for long can do it themselves as they learn to repair those with the passage of time. Some common types of repairs that musical instrument technicians do are as under:
1- Tuning of different types of guitars including electric guitar vs acoustic guitar differences
2- Repairing and change of frets and strings of different types of guitars
3- Pick ups are also installed by electricians
4- In case of wind instruments, replacement of felts, corks and springs.
5- Repairing of different kinds of dents in brass instruments.
6- Polishing and refinishing of different musical instruments.
7- Replacement of different components and parts of musical instruments
Some of the important tips for good maintenance of musical instruments are as under:
1- Always try to call a proper professional technician if your instrument is damaged or not working properly especially if it is a costly equipment and also if you are a professional and need that instrument for longer time.
2- Do not use any chemicals for cleaning unless it is written in the booklet or it is advised by any proper technician.
3- Do not expose your equipment in the sunlight or moisture. Also do not keep it at damp places.
4- If possible, use different cases for equipments as they protect these instruments from sunlight, moisture, extreme conditions and are also safe during traveling. Your equipment remains safe during traveling.
5- In case of any problem, try to read the manual given with the instrument for quick remedy.